Monday 26 November 2007

The Beginning

My English is awful... but still - I try to blog in English. Why? 'Cause I joined Ravelry and my blog where I have shown my handicraft is in Estonian.

As I haven't had a chance to practise my English my blog posts are probably full of mistakes. But who cares, right?

My flaw is, that I'm impatient, I tend to rush into new projects therefore it isn't a suprise for me if I discover at the very end of a project that there's something terribly wrong at the beginning :D And I'm not fond of starting it all over again.

Now I need to spend some time on the looks of my new blog.

1 comment:

Muhv said...

jeh, right, who cares! :D
ma pole nii ammu pidanud inglise keelt kõnes ega kirjas kasutama (ainult lugema ja aru saama, aga see on hoopis teine teema), et olen täiesti koba. öelda oleks küll, aga ei oska. jõudu meile siis, hea paraktika igatahes :)